Website Redesign – Fall 2020


Precipitated by Adobe Flash Player End of Life scheduled for December 31, 2020, I have converted the front end of this website completely to html5 and have (hopefully) removed all Adobe Flash content. The good news is that, moving forward, the website is significantly more phone and social media friendly. The tradeoff is that numerous posts from the past 10 years have been removed from the website, as I’m unable to efficiently convert this content to the current standards. Last, I have attempted to maintain links to legacy html pages wherever possible, which are a bit clunky on mobile devices, but do have a vintage flare. I will eventually convert the more significant sites among these legacy pages to html5.

Shipwrecks Page


The shipwrecks page has been completely redesigned into a sortable, table format. It is being launched with twenty-five shipwreck sites and associated pages. The associated pages contain historical statistics on each ship’s original (surface) specifics along with wreck site information. Although the core mission of this website continues to be underwater documentation, images/bibliography.jpg I have included links to my research sources for each site under the "Bibliography" heading located at the footer of each shipwreck page. I hope this external information will prove valuable to visitors of this website and contribute to the promotion of the collective lifetimes of efforts of our research community.
This initial collection is a modest representation of my available archive of approaching 300 visited shipwreck sites. I plan to continually link my archive to the shipwrecks page and note significant revisions on the Recent Post page, so check back periodically.

Best regards and happy browsing,

Jack Papes
Akron, Ohio USA was launched in 2005 and continues to be a not for profit, ad free portal to the wonders of the underwater world.

©Jack Papes
All Rights Reserved.